Category Archives: ToastPost

Breakfast Toast Post

Breakfast Toast

Breakfast Toast

Sometimes there’s just not much to report.

Today’s post is a quick update that Kitty Toast is great when shared with others.  Here, Kitty Toast was shared at breakfast with Mr. Kitty (owner of the Doctor Who mug).    Note that while potato bread is quite delicious, it doesn’t make for good Kitty Toast.  Burns too quickly, and it took a few slices to get a piece of Kitty Toast that wasn’t overly browned.

Happy Spring.  More Toast Posts to come.
-Ms. Kitty

*Originally posted on

Kitty Toast at Work

Toast striking poses at my workspace.

Toast striking poses at my workspace.

My husband, John, wanted to try out the toaster on Friday morning to see how well the Kitty design appears on the toast during the process.  We were both running late, so I wrapped the toast in a small pocket of tin foil, and put it in my lunch bag, not quite sure what I was going to do with it. Continue reading