Category Archives: Streaming/Broadcasting

Latest Charity Knitting – Loudoun County Homeless Services Center

I have an awesome community on Twitch! Over the past several months, many viewers have used their in-channel currency, which they earn while watching my broadcast, to fund various charity knitting projects. Many viewers have funded hats, scarves and yarn — and today, I was able to deliver the first batch of hats and scarves to the Loudoun County Homeless Services Center.

12 Hats & 4 Scarves Donated to Loudoun County - GirlnovemberCrafts |

12 Hats & 4 Scarves Donated to Loudoun County – GirlnovemberCrafts |

A total of 16 items, 4 scarves and 12 hats, were delivered to the Homeless Services Center. I want to thank the following viewers for their generosity and help with this donation: Viewers Gussoo, FlyinPinkMunki, WelshTroll, LoveOfAmi and Emoten, who funded hats and scarves. I need to also thank viewer Myra_Lotus, who kindly sent me a shipment of KnitPicks yarn to craft donation items, and several skeins were used in this batch. I am extremely fortunate to have a supportive and kind audience that wants to do outreach as much as I do.

So what’s next?
I have a few more items to make, but soon I’ll be sending out a shipment of items to “Warm Up America!”, also funded by in part by my viewers. 🙂

Hats & Scarves For Charity

From The Heart Stitchers has received the first batch of donations shipped to them! This particular batch of scarves and hats was to support a Veterans Encampment in Ashland, VA. I want to thank two of my viewers, Probability Distribution and Siliun, for funding the yarn used in these projects. From The Heart Stitchers was very appreciative of the donations and said they’d be delivered to the group shortly.

Here’s a photo of what went in the shipment – 6 hats and 2 scarves:

Donations to charity From The Heart Stitchers

Donations to charity From The Heart Stitchers

I’m really happy the items made it and will help out some folks in need. We all need more good news like this. 🙂

If you’d like to learn more about From The Heart Stitchers, or want to learn what items they are in critical need of, please visit their website here: . They are also on Facebook at: .

Update: Summer Edition | August 2017



There may be a website viewer out there wondering, “Hey Girlnovember, aren’t you a writer? Didn’t you used to write about writing, or about driving, or streaming? Why aren’t you posting blog entries? What’s been going on?” Maybe no one other than my internal voice asks these things, but they are fair questions. Continue reading