TGIF! I don’t know about you, but I need a break, and I’m very much looking forward to the weekend — even if I’m still going to be working, and it’s still going to be cold. There will be sun however! 🌞
This week I’ve started playing around in Canva, which is a graphic design platform. I am using the free version while I’m learning, but I am slowly creating some more professional looking Pinterest pins and other images that I’m using out there on social media. The learning curve is still a bit steep for me — I am not very good with photo editing or layouts. The nice thing about Canva is there are lots and lots of free templates one can choose from and tweak colors, fonts, positioning of text, etc. For anyone lacking skills in this department, the Canva platform is very handy.
Plans for the weekend include one meeting that couldn’t be scheduled during Mon-Fri, some studying (Korean and Spanish), and reading, and a bunch of knitting washcloth samples. But I will also find some time to play video games. 😀 I need a little escape as well this weekend.
I hope you all have a wonderful Friday, and a great start to the weekend. Enjoy!