Category Archives: Crafting

Holiday Order Progress – 3 Dec 2021

TGIF! Though I’m not quite sure what my excitement is about, as I’m going to be knitting/working pretty much 24/7 for the next 3 weeks. 😂 But it’s Friday, yo!

I’m currently working on a new stack of waffle washcloths for an Etsy order, and perusing YouTube for Spanish programming to watch while I knit. I’m all about the multitasking.

I hope your Friday, and your weekend, are off to a great start!

A desktop with laptop and monitor, and a colorful stack of dishcloths, with one cloth on circular needles.

Weekend of #amworking

Happy August! I’ve been working hard –36 cloths into my current order, and almost at the halfway point. I’ve found a few new Korean dramas on Netflix to watch while I knit, picking up on a word here or there. Small language victories. 🙂

We might escape the house later today just to feel like we didn’t sit inside for the entire weekend. Hard to believe it’s Monday again tomorrow. 🧶

A stack of hand knit washcloths in blues, greens, and purples, sitting near a sunny window with leafy green plants on the sill.

Tuesday Productivity

I’m not going to lie, this picture is taken at this angle to hide the mess that is my sewing table (knitted Bongo Cat protects my sewing machine), and obscure the project storage that’s happening on the floor at the moment.

Lots of colorful knitted items, some still in progress, sitting in piles on a table, in front of a sewing machine covered by a knitted Bongo Cat cover, with a sunny plant filled window in the background.

Left and center are knit donation projects, including Afghan squares and hats. And then there’s Mt. Washcloth, which proves I’ve actually been busy knitting at all hours of the day.

Wishing you all a happy and productive Tuesday.