Author Archives: GirlNovember

Hand Knit Washcloth Bundles on Etsy

I am super excited about finally being able to offer this rainbow themed bundle of hand knit washcloths! It took a while to figure out the range of colors and procure the yarn, but once everything came together, I was so happy with how they turned out. Brilliant colors, super soft, reuseable — they are sure to brighten up your bathroom or kitchen, and come in handy for washing, scrubbing, or wiping up spills.

Brown basket holding 100% Cotton Hand Knit Washcloths in Rainbow Theme

100% Cotton Hand Knit Washcloths | Rainbow Themed | On Etsy now:

Made from machine washable and dryable 100% cotton yarn. Eight cloths included. Available now on Etsy – hop over the shop and see all the current bundles available!

Knitting Away

TGIF! I’m burning through my stash of Knit Picks Dishie yarn (before the new batch arrives… Wait what? Oh nothing, no new yarn coming; all’s fine here, how are you?). So a new batch of knit washcloths are up on the Etsy site!

A set of handmade dishcloths, made by Girlnovember.

A set of handmade dishcloths, made by Girlnovember.

Need to scrub a dish? They work for that too! With a little stretch, they even work with a dry floor Swiffer. 🙂

Interested in a custom batch of dishcloths/washcloths? Or some other commission? Message me to discuss options!

Shop Link:

Finally Finished A Market Bag

This was such a great knit bag to learn on. Cute, stripey, and fun to carry – it makes a great project bag, beach tote or farmer’s market bag.

Girlnovember's Hand Knit Market Bag.

Girlnovember’s Hand Knit Market Bag.

I’m hoping to make more of these to list in the Etsy store in the near future. This one’s available now! Shop link:

Return of the LPDs

It may be Sunday, but it’s a workday for me!

Girlnovember's Lil' Pillow Dude (LPD) In Progress

Girlnovember’s Lil’ Pillow Dude (LPD) In Progress

Longtime viewers of my Twitch Streams might remember the LPD’s. On Friday, I received an unexpected special order for not one, but two Lil’ Pillow Dudes! I had a really nice conversation with the customer regarding color choices, and how the LPD’s are constructed, especially regarding safety for small children. I started working on the first LPD Saturday. There’s still a lot to get completed, but I’m excited to get crafting these custom orders!

Playing With Fabric

Despite two separate power outages today, I accomplished the goal of getting through a batch of face masks. 16 in total – a new record for me in a single day. And I gave my Bernina a quick tune up right before tackling the pleats. 🙂

Girlnovember's Bernina Sport 801 & Face Masks

Girlnovember’s Bernina Sport 801 & Face Masks

These masks are currently listed in my Etsy shop. A portion of sales will be donated to CCAP Winchester, VA (USA), a local non-profit that is funded solely by donations. In addition to operating a food pantry and clothing center, they assist those in need with rent, utilities and more.

My Etsy Shop Link:
