Author Archives: GirlNovember

Mid-Week Progress – 24Feb2021

I feel like the week got off to a sluggish start, and I’m trying to make up for that with a lengthy to-do list. Today I’ve managed to get a couple of orders out the door, and complete some social media work as well. I’m knitting a new bundle of washcloths (the pic below) to get listed on Etsy this week, while occasionally watching “Boys Over Flowers”, and “The King: Eternal Monarch”, two very different KDramas I’m enjoying out of many that I have added to my Netflix queue. I’m watching enough Korean shows and music videos now that YouTube and other websites are occasionally showing me Korean advertising. 😀

Four skeins of blue yarn on a table with 3 knit washcloths, one of which is in progress. A sunny window with grey curtains shines in the background.

I’ve been keeping up with my DuoLingo Spanish studies, which are getting slightly easier to review. I am really enjoying the newer DuoLingo format – I don’t know when they overhauled the Spanish program, but I like the graphics and the interface much better than previous years when I’ve used it. I will have to go back to see if they’ve similarly updated the Korean lessons.

I haven’t talked much about Mindset and Manifestation work that I regularly complete to keep me operating in a positive state, and working toward long-term goals. I actually have a lengthy process, utilizing affirmations and written statements, as well as some reading and meditation work I do at night. In January, I stopped doing this work, and it shows with the lack of sales and progress I had for the month. I’m ramping up my practice again, and hoping to get some fresh motivation and inspiration by attending a free training with Jack Canfield tomorrow. I’ve been happy with his free content and books, and want to feel a bit more energized around the activities I need to complete to get back on track with my goals. 🙂

There’s also exercise, re-starting to log what food I’m eating using MyFitnessPal, writing, other creative work that I want to do but have been neglecting. I have no shortage of things to work on. I need more hours in the day.

I hope you’re having a good week and making progress toward whatever goals you’ve set for yourself. Be well, and stay well.

Monday Knitting

The last Monday of February 2021 started off with snow and sleet, and now we have bright sun and an afternoon nearing 40F. I’m currently sitting in a sunbeam, knitting a washcloth bundle from these beautiful colors, and thinking ahead to warmer temperatures. Not that I’m ready for spring — I’m not looking to jump that far ahead, but I could use the break from the snow. Maybe a week of sun and 50F, where we could get out for a walk without sliding around. 🙂

Photo: One yellow and one green washcloth, along with a set of circular knitting needles, and skeins of orange and multicolor cotton yarn.

As we’re about a week out from March (yes, March — how did that happen?), I’m looking ahead on my to-do list. I’m working on some new listings for the shop, and I’m itching to knit something different. The recent weather has me inspired to try a cardigan, which would be way outside of my comfort zone. I just need to poke around at patterns to see what I like, and what yarn I’d need.

Have a good week! Let me know what you’re working on, or hoping to get started on.

¿Hola cómo estás?

It was a busy day – boxed up an order and got that off to the post office. Completed some business related to-do items. And I began working on some washcloths that are using up all the leftover bits of skeins.

Image of a 1980's era Spanish textbook and a knit washcloth

I decided to drag out an old text book while I was working this afternoon, and see what I remember from high school Spanish. Verdict: I remember more than I thought I did, but not enough to make much sense when speaking it. 😁

Slow February Start – 8 Feb 2021

2021 has kind of run over me a few times, but I’m slowly peeling myself off the ground. If anyone tells you running a business is easy, they are either not doing any substantial business, or have people that do all the hard work for them, or they are lying to you. Possibly all three, I don’t know. What I do know is that inventory and year-end bookkeeping closeout and tax prep makes me a very crazy woman. 😀

However, I am seeing light at the end of the business-work tunnel. And I am finally getting back to some crafting!

Washcloths in Pomegranate, Lilac Mist and Sea Turtle

I just finished knitting up this custom order while sitting by a sunny window. It’s not even all that cold out, but it felt good to just sit in a sunbeam. I also had a space heater going. It felt quite wonderful, actually. But the sun is going down now, and I’ve had to get up from my sunny spot to (gently) toss these washcloths into the machine for a quick swimmy swim prior to shipping out.

I’m not sure what I’m up to next. I have a lot of ideas for new or slightly different product. I’m trying not to buy any more yarn inventory unless it’s directly related to orders, so anything I’m making has to work with the yarn I have. 🙂 Updates coming soon.