Author Archives: GirlNovember

El Senor Snarky Jingle Snape Snake Sr.

Yeah, he was supposed to be a draft excluder for the front door, but using the wrong gauge and finding him too cute once he was stuffed with polyfil, he’s just the resident Snarky Snake now.

Girlnovember's El Senor Snarky Jingle Snape Snake

Girlnovember’s El Senor Snarky Jingle Snape Snake Sr.

His name was determined during my Twitch broadcast. “Jingle” refers to the jingle bell on his tail, as a makeshift rattle. “Snape” because we were going to use Harry Potter house colors, but that didn’t quite happen. The name still stuck. 🙂

A Late December Update



I have done a terrible job of updating in the past few weeks. I can’t point to any one thing; I think burning the candle at both ends just overwhelmed me. I did the Five Scarf Challenge in Oct, the Five Hat Challenge in Nov while also completing NaNoWriMo 2016, and then starting the last week of November, after finishing NaNoWriMo a few days ahead of schedule, I began knitting every day, almost all day, trying to complete a bunch of gifts for the holidays. Continue reading

Finally Finished: Three Of A Kind

After several months of pattern testing, and tweaking, I can now report success with the pillow projects! Yesterday (Oct 27th) I finally completed the Big Pillow Bro, who joins his siblings, ‘Lil Pillow Dude and Bromigo!

Created by Girlnovember, it's the Big Pillow Bro, 'Lil Pillow Dude and Bromigo!

Created by Girlnovember, it’s the Big Pillow Bro, ‘Lil Pillow Dude and Bromigo! (With a rare Girlnovember sighting!)

I need to re-knit the Bromigo (named by Jennzors, one of my viewers), to make sure I have the pattern completely noted. But I’m really excited that I’ve completed all three patterns and have them all in the same colors so I can show them off together. I’m hoping to offer them for sale after the new year. 🙂