Author Archives: GirlNovember

Fall is Here!

So it’s officially fall! Of course, mother nature is going to give us 90 degree days after a stretch of gorgeous sunny days in the 70’s. But the leaves are changing – starting to turn from a bright green to those lovely shades of red and gold.

Crochet Leaves for Girlnovember's Twitch Subtree -

Crochet Leaves for Girlnovember’s Twitch Subtree –

I’ve spent some time working out a pattern for leaves that I can attach to my Twitch channel subscriber SubTree. Today I tried my hand at crochet, with some mild success. The leaves still need some work, as do my tension and overall crochet skills, but it’s a start.

The Great Slippers Experiment

I’ve been attempting to make a pair of slippers using cotton yarn. The problem is, while I’ve made these in acrylic previously with great results; the cotton yarn stretches too much and makes the slippers enormous. I’ve gone from US 6 to US 4 DPNs and am seeing some success now. The below is my latest attempt.

2nd Slipper -

2nd Slipper Attempt –

Now to wind a fresh yarn cake in Violet Splash and see what happens when using the yarn I really want to use for this project. 🙂

Cabled Scarf Commission

I’ve been working on this one for a only a little bit – this is a cabled scarf that I’m knitting as a commission. Please excuse the lighting; it’s difficult to photograph dark blue and still see the detail, so the color has been brightened.

Cabled Scarf for commission-

Cabled Scarf – Knitted on Commission

Slipper Time

It’s summer, and acrylic slippers are too warm for this time of year. I’ve been attempting to make cotton slippers, and haven’t success as the fabric stretches. I also haven’t found the correct tweak to the pattern I’m using – it will be a whole new slipper pattern by the time I’m done.

FraizePlays Wears Oversized Slippers -

FraizePlays Wears Oversized Slippers –

I’m back to the drawing board, as this pair didn’t work either (I call these the ‘Blue Monday Slippers). They mostly fit FraizePlays, but they’re a bit loose in the footbed and shift a lot when walking. I’ll get it right eventually though!