About Girlnovember

Girlnovember | Heather

Knitter and Weaver | Content Creator | She/Her

Girlnovember broadcasts on Twitch from her home in northern Virginia, USA. She encourages keeping a positive mindset, setting goals, & working toward a happy, balanced, & successful life.

Branching out from knitting, Girlnovember is learning to weave using a 32″ Ashford rigid heddle loom, and has plans in 2023 to experiment with watercolors, and return to an older obsession of line art and playing with black ink markers and fine tip pens.

While previously running a successful Etsy shop, in 2023 she is migrating her shop to girlnovembercrafts.com, where she’ll be offering hand knit household goods, as well as hand woven wearables.

When not crafting, or studying Spanish or Korean, she can usually be found gaming on her laptop with her husband, while consuming unhealthy amounts of coffee, Star Trek, Brooklyn99, and SG-1.

Be sure to join our mailing list, and visit us on social media! Links and information here: Linktr.ee/girlnovember

Last Updated: Mar 2023

8 thoughts on “About Girlnovember

  1. David Pellegrini

    Hi, Heather.

    Did you ever find out who the realtor is for the Selma Plantation house? Or how one can get permission to go inside?

    Thanks for any tips.

    David Pellegrini

    1. GirlNovember Post author

      Hi David,
      Thanks for stopping by. Unfortunately, I don’t have any further information on realtors/owners/representatives regarding Selma Plantation.
      All the best,

  2. Novembergirl.com

    Hello everyone asking about Selma !!!!!
    I’m the daughter of the previous owner of Selma ( grew up from 12yrs old and married there ) , and second owner only to the original owners and family E.B.White , and family all resting in peace in the local Leesburg cemetery and duly impressive. My family bought the mansion in 1971, and we relocated from Potomac Md in 1972. We lived in and enjoyed beyond words what encompassed the experience of all that would come from the home, property and its many outhouses. Lovely large barns, smoke house , natural spring and spring house, beautiful trees …. The Selma Plantation . The one thing which was lost from the property was the grey stone original front entrance post at the end of the 2 mile gravel driveway that meet at rt 50 ( now or was Selma lane ) enterence now moved again to accommodate the development. By the time we bought the house someone had built the white stucco post dawning a black iron S to mark its new enterence about 100 feet before the original stone enterence still there today . There are no words to describe what the emotional toll had been on my family to witness what has become of something so completely special and to so many people . It was critically important to my parents and a component of any sale of the property that it be for the absolute preservation and appreciation of the stately home and majestic views from any front interior window , and the front porch ! The first sale was wonderful and renovation on the two side porches began way before the sale or settlement and a testament to the fond relationship and trust in the future transaction. However , as life does that changed and the new owner would never get to enjoy Selma. There was no indication of any intent to not respect the property fully while clearly a different buyer and different intentions. It truly is hard to believe and harder still to lay eyes upon.
    However, the angels above have sent word that there is good new on the horizon . Check back on Selma in about 30 days or so . As always feel to say a little prayer .

    1. GirlNovember Post author

      Thanks for the kind response, Enid. I’m going to try to post the above response directly on the Selma blog post so others will see it.

      Thanks, again!

    2. Mary Elizabeth Johnson Bryant

      I met a woman at Selma who bought her and held weddings there. I believe it was sometime in the early to mid 70s, but with my aging mind, the chronological order of things could be off. Selma was owned by Elijah B. White, son of L Colonel Elijah Viers White who was my great great grandfather. Elijah purchased the property from Mason and renovated and restored it around 1902 when it was destroyed by fire in the late 1800’s. We went through Selma back when my cousin Elizabeth White, daughter of EB White still lived there. She passed of breast cancer. She was a spinster having no one to leave the house to. It went to public auction because none of our relatives could afford the back taxes on it and so forth. It brought me to tears to see the latest video of Selma’s demise. She isn’t at all like I remember her. I was elated, however, to hear she is being restored. I hope this is true because Selma brings back a lot of childhood memories for me not to mention she was a part of my family at one time in history. I have photos of my family including Ada Elizabeth, my mother, and her sister, Clara Jeannette, my Aunt, going through the mansion. My Mother’s Mother, my grandmother was Elijah B. White’s sister. I would like to keep up with the renovations. Could I get some information on how to accomplish this? Thank you for listening.

  3. Brian Barcus

    Video tour of The Selma Plantation (June 2015): https://youtu.be/hXeTR2uFj10
    It will be the only time you get a chance to see the inside of this once gorgeous home for awhile since new owners are keeping her locked up tight (thankfully), and starting to restore the home to it’s original glorious beauty. The video shows the state of disrepair this home was in, and how far the new owners must come to restore it. Thank God only a few people gained entry, and the home wasn’t destroyed by vandals, as many old homes are. In fact, there seems to be no graffiti or vandalism at all, just damage from years of neglect, but thankfully she was saved by new owners who will care for her. Although the home was not maintained for a number of years, you can imagine the great elegance the home once had, and see it’s obvious potential to be restored to it’s grand original condition. It’s wonderful news to hear that people who appreciate old homes have purchased Selma, and will be restoring her to the beauty and care she once had, and deserves!


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