Despite a list of goals for the start of the new year, I’ve spent most of January completing inventory count, bookkeeping and tax prep. Running a business can be tough, and this time of year is definitely the less “fun” part of the job. Unfortunately, the busy work also kept me from crafting.
As the month wraps up, I’m finally switching gears, and can begin to focus on orders and future product again. There’s a bit more knitting taking place after dinner — Pictured above are three Etsy washcloth orders, and a custom hat commission for someone who has been extremely patient with me and my knitting schedule. I’m hoping to get back on my social media schedule in the near future, and maybe even manage the occasional Twitch broadcast. 🙂 My writing group has agreed to a set-your-own-goal writing challenge for February. And I’m hoping to also do a better job of posting blog updates.
Now that we’re moving into Feb, I’ve shortened production times in my shop. If you’re interested in purchasing knitted things, please check out my Etsy store, or you can direct message me to discuss custom orders. Wishing you the best for the next month ahead!