All sorts of updates regarding streaming on Twitch and life in general. Shall we get started?
At the beginning of April, I was approached by Twitch broadcaster LittleBlueBoxox about joining her creative group called Knotty By Nature. Joining Knotty By Nature, or KBN, has been amazing – I’ve met a ton of other yarn/fiber crafters, and really feel like I found a great home at Twitch! The creative community as a whole is a very supportive and friendly bunch, and I’m so glad I decided to start streaming again. I’m having so much fun that I did bonus broadcasts both Friday and Saturday this week! And I’m so happy to see regular viewers showing up and chatting. Seriously, I’m loving streaming right now!
In just this past week, I also hit two important goals:
* I have my first 100 followers! 100 Follower Hype! <3
* And, I got my first donation! Radmux, a gaming broadcaster on Twitch, generously donated $5! I can finally tell people I’m making money crafting! And sadly, this is more money than I’ve made after years and years of writing. 😉 Many thanks to Radmux for my first donation, which really made my week!
On stream, I’m moving between a bunch of different knitting projects at the moment:
* Remaking the Seed Stitch Border Blanket for donation
* Experimenting with a Single Skein Basket Weave Scarf for donation
* Continuing with the Irish Hiking Scarf for donation
* I’ve just begun a Chevron Pattern Blanket for donation
* And I’m experimenting with Mitered Squares, just to play with the pattern.
On the writing front, I hit 30K words with CampNaNoWriMo. I need to write some more before the end of the month, but I’ve been so focused on streaming lately, writing has slowed, even during a NaNo event. We have a great Cabin for CampNaNoWriMo, with a lively chat, and some of our group has joined our online writing group as well. So slow, but decent progress with writing.
I am toying with the idea of a writing broadcast on Twitch Creative. There are a few broadcasters that are currently writing on stream, and I think there’s a good opportunity to engage with the audience, let them make suggestions and/or be part of the story. It wouldn’t be serious writing, but I think it could be a lot of fun with some silly results. More on that as the idea evolves.
So that’s what’s going on lately. Lots of knitting, lots of working, some writing. And for the first time in a long time I’m feeling productive!