2021 has kind of run over me a few times, but I’m slowly peeling myself off the ground. If anyone tells you running a business is easy, they are either not doing any substantial business, or have people that do all the hard work for them, or they are lying to you. Possibly all three, I don’t know. What I do know is that inventory and year-end bookkeeping closeout and tax prep makes me a very crazy woman. 😀
However, I am seeing light at the end of the business-work tunnel. And I am finally getting back to some crafting!
I just finished knitting up this custom order while sitting by a sunny window. It’s not even all that cold out, but it felt good to just sit in a sunbeam. I also had a space heater going. It felt quite wonderful, actually. But the sun is going down now, and I’ve had to get up from my sunny spot to (gently) toss these washcloths into the machine for a quick swimmy swim prior to shipping out.
I’m not sure what I’m up to next. I have a lot of ideas for new or slightly different product. I’m trying not to buy any more yarn inventory unless it’s directly related to orders, so anything I’m making has to work with the yarn I have. 🙂 Updates coming soon.