I’m not even sure what I’m writing at this point. Mostly, it’s a disjointed story about two people who have been best of friends for ever, slowly beginning to realize that the reason their romantic relationships with other folks keep failing is because they’re in love with each other. (Awwww…. ain’t that sweet?) Heavy on dialogue and short on descriptions, it’s (currently) 33,696 words and driving me mental at various times. Sitting at the laptop trying to write? 300 words. Washing dishes or in the shower? By God, that missing scene will show up fully formed with 20 pages of dialogue for me to remember until I can write, draw or type it up. Fun times, y’all. 🙂
But I’m sticking with it. I’d like to just toss it and play video games and knit for the rest of the month, but I said I’d do NaNoWriMo, and d*mn it, I’m going to finish this thing.
No, this post didn’t count toward my word count.