Updates: Streaming, Knitting, Writing



The past 9 days or so have been kind of crazy with flooring contract discussions, trying to stream and catch up on other streams, figuring out what to knit next and researching charities to donate to, family and ongoing flu/virus season, and the never-ending smattering of small, time-sensitive items that have to get done.

On Monday I crossed the one week streaming mark. Some days I think it’s going ok; but I get kind of dejected on the days there are only one or two people watching. My worries bounce between content, the occasional OBS explosion, and how bad/good/skilled/boring/engaging I am. I feel like I’m learning a few things each day, which is good – there’s a lot to figure out. In the meantime, I’m chatting with a lot of people and enjoying myself. I need to thank JoeStone, Gangari and FraizePlays – they’re the few regulars that join the stream to cheer me on (Klemmer!), especially when the viewer numbers are dismal. While I’ve committed to the Mon-Thurs schedule, I’m testing out different streaming times to see if viewer numbers change. But a lot of this, at least in the beginning, is trial and error as I work out what makes the best sense for me in the long run.

On the knitting front, the White and Purple Seed Stitch Blanket is coming along nicely! It’s getting a lot of compliments. And as a project I’m working on only a few hours per day, it’s moving quickly. I might be done with this by next week, if I continue to work on it at the same pace.

Seed Stitch White Purple Blanket Progress Check

Seed Stitch White Purple Blanket Progress Check

I wanted to get an alternate project going, so I’ve started a ribbed hat using the Lion Brand pattern for the Magic Stripes yarn, though I’m using a spare yarn instead.

Magic Stripe Hat Progress

Magic Stripe Hat Progress

I might mix up the pattern a little to give the hat some texture, but it’s coming along great and hopefully quicker after I move past the ribbed pattern. I might get a couple of hats out of this skein. More to give away and keep others warm.

As for future knitting projects, I’m hoping to start a cabled wrap — chunky cables, thick yarn, unknown color at this point, but maybe something in a wine/red. This project will likely take a long time to complete. And I’m hoping to start a blanket with all my spare leftover yarn, mixing up both colors and patterns. Stay tuned for that one; I think it will be a fun project.

Lastly, there’s the writing thing. We’re about 15 days out from CampNaNoWriMo. New CampNaNo tee acquired. My online writing group is in prep mode. I’ve managed to jot down some ideas for a story to mess around with in April, though I haven’t been writing much in the past two weeks. That will change April 1st. I don’t know yet if I’m aiming for the full 50K for April, or if I’m going to commit to a smaller goal. I have a few days to figure that out, though.

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