Nope, not a typo – I’m aiming for a New Year’s Revolution!
Borrowed from the AT&T commercial, I kind of like the idea of a personal revolution instead of a resolution. I make, and break, resolutions every year. It’s time to make things happen vs. wanting them to happen.
Some of this change began in 2013, with the formation of the Leesburg Writers Group, which came together during National Novel Writing Month. I’ve made a conscious effort to write and read more. And I’m studying hard with multiple how-to writing books.
But for 2014, I want to see results. I’ve been through too many versions of this post now where I say I’m going to do A, and instead do F. For 2014, these are must-do’s:
•   Morning Pages: 3 hand written pages every morning before I do anything else. I’ve started and stopped this process a few times now. I will hold myself to doing this every day, including tracking my progress.
•   Mandatory Word Count: Writing a minimum of 500 words a day or 3500 words a week. Minimum, but I will push for more.  The Morning Pages do not factor into this word count. I’ve set up a tracking spreadsheet to hold myself accountable.
•   Getting Healthy: Working Out 4 Days a week, sticking to the meal plan, and getting enough sleep. Beginning with Thanksgiving, and ending with Christmas and a wicked sinus infection, I’ve made too many excuses to eat whatever crap food I felt like. Feeling unhealthy (and for me, looking unhealthy) depletes my energy and puts me in a funk, which kills my motivation and derails my productivity. Enough. Today starts a renewed focus on eating healthy, getting on the treadmill and bike, and getting 7 hours of sleep a night (yes, I get less now).
So that’s my plan for my 2014 revolution. What have you vowed to do in 2014?
Originally posted on Spare Time Writer dot Com